
Team Reflections: Indigenous History Month

Vincent Design team
Community Support / June 30th, 2024 / Written by Faith Marcial

Featured Image: Vincent Design Team 

As an Indigenous-led company, we take pride in the diversity of our team. We have a talented team of Indigenous, and non-Indigenous creatives who help bring meaning to the good work that we do here at Vincent Design. To reflect, and honour Indigenous History Month, we asked people to participate in a discussion about their perspectives, and the importance of Indigenous Design. 

How does it make you feel to work for an Indigenous-led company?

“I’m really proud to be able to work for an Indigenous company. It’s really great to be part of the change – getting to work with Indigenous organizations and government and seeing the effort to change, along with getting to hear about the individual experiences and getting to see the positive impact that Indigenous visibility creates.”

“It feels purposeful! Understanding the reasons behind our creative journey infuses our work with meaning, while a sense of community brings us together.”

“I’m proud to be able to facilitate the interpretation of Indigenous knowledge and traditions in a modern and exciting way. I’m always happy to see the affect our efforts have for our clients.”

How has this impacted your perspective?

“It has made me slow down and listen in a much more open way. I try to hear the underlying feelings as well as the surface level stories in order to hopefully touch on some deeper meaning behind traditions and cultures that I may not be a direct part of.”

“I think it shows just how resilient Indigenous culture truly is. In the face of systematic extermination, cultural repression and whatever other of the many horrors inflicted on it, it’s still here. Indigenous people are still here. They are still passing down their languages and, more importantly for us, their traditions and art. To take what the people who dominate this country tried to destroy and unabashedly make new art and new stories, shows just how strong of people that make up these cultures are. It’s an amazing story of resilience.”

Why do you feel is it important to learn, and/or work with Indigenous design?

“Because it may be the only time you really learn of the stories and traditions behind this art. Growing up, you are never really taught of the importance or significance of many of those things in Indigenous culture which leads to a separation of or an under appreciation of the entire culture in general. Working here and learning of the importance of what the work done here means to the people its done for is beautiful, but you’d likely never know it otherwise. That’s why its important to learn and to work with Indigenous art.”

“I think representation is very important – no matter your background. Seeing people or work that resonates with you, that represents you, that connection to your story is very self-affirming and validating. To see your culture celebrated; to see people you see yourself in, successful, is very meaningful.”

Have you seen or experienced the impact of highlighting Indigenous voices and work in your personal life?

“Every once in a while a client or even a stranger will offhandedly say something about how they felt very seen or represented by work that I have been involved with and it always makes me feel like I’ve done my job well. It means I helped a storyteller reach their audience.”

“Yes, it’s been very fulfilling to see one of my Indigenous friends blossom in a career she loves and also be able to work on projects that amplify her voice, connecting to her culture and sharing it with others.”

“Of course. Previously, I don’t think I ever had heard of some of these communities or organizations or if I did, it didn’t stick. Nowadays, you’ll see ads or news stories about organizations like AMC or SCO more than ever before with meaningful improvements to not only Indigenous people’s lives, but to everyone in our communities, like with ‘SCO’s Project To Reimagine Hudson’s Bay Heritage Building In Downtown Winnipeg’. That’ll benefit everybody but it’s only being done because of how influential indigenous organizations like SCO have become. It shows just how much louder and more reach the voices of Indigenous voices have gotten. I think we, as designers and developers, have an obvious role to play in that branding and outreach. It’s important that this work continues to be properly represented.”

“It is wonderful to be a part of an organization that does meaningful work that benefits the people and organizations we have the honour of representing, but also that brings learning and understanding to those who have no walked the same path and had the same experiences so we can work towards a better future together.”

Read more of our team’s reflections as we commemorated Indigenous History Month

National Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Reflections with Serenity: Indigenous History Month