
Being A Good Relative

Jewel and Shaun in image for Indigenous Peoples' Day.

Community Support

National Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Featured image: Jewel Pierre-Roscelli, and Shaun Vincent Growing up, I wasn’t proud of my Indigenous identity. I would always tell people I was of a different ethnicity or culture. Intergenerational trauma due to colonization and the effects of residential schools left me with the shameful feeling and embarrassment of being Indigenous. It wasn’t until I …

Margaret Roscelli

Community Events

Being A Good Relative

Featured image: Margaret Roscelli, Jewel’s Kunshi in her traditional wear for an interview for the Sakihiwe Festival A look at how Vincent Design celebrated Earth Day and reflections from Jewel. As a Dakota woman, I have often heard Elders and knowledge carriers saying our phrase of “Mitakuye Owasin.” In English, it roughly translates to “all …