Local UA179 icon.

App Development • Branding • Graphic Design

UA179 App

Local UA179 mobile mockup.


Vincent Design was approached to create a mobile app for UA Local179 that was user-friendly and enabled UA179 members to access their member and certification information.


We ensured that the app was fully optimized for mobile devices with seamless user-experience and navigation. Our goal was for the use of the app to be intuitive; enabling users to access resources from UA179 in a way that was convenient and efficient.


  • Design
  • Branding
  • Photography
  • Mobile App Development



Local UA179 mobile mockup.


The app was created with users in mind. Combined with stunning graphic design and smooth user-navigation, the app was visually appealing and engaging for UA179 members. Allowing them to access a hub of information at their fingertips.

UA179 app visual
UA179 app visual - login page
UA179 app visual - account page
UA179 app visual - search function
UA179 app visual
UA179 app visual