Advertising In The Spotlight

Team Building / January 31st, 2023
Staff at the WAG

Every year, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity awards the best in commercial work. A few members of our team went to see the winners at WAG-Qaumajuq for inspiration from the hilarious, hypnotic, heartfelt, haunting and heartbreaking offerings, and to learn what we can from the ones that truly hit the mark. 

Enjoy this mini-festival of our faves, or get out and see all the winners when the WAG brings them back for a rerun March 30 to April 1. Our tip from seeing people turned away at a sold-out show: Get your tickets in advance and arrive early for the best selection of seats.


Snickers: Unfiltered
Helmet Has Always Been a Good Idea: Danish Road Safety Council
Sipsmith Gin: Official Wimbledon of Sipsmith Gin


Penny: The Wish
The Umbilical Cord: Equal Pay Day
Meow Wolf: Convergence Station


Heineken: A lockdown love story
Axa: Birders
Paralympic Games: #WeThe15

Hit the Mark

The Argentine League for the Fight Against Cancer: Finger Puppets
Samsung: The Spider In The Window

TW: The following videos are ones we wanted to share with you for the impact they had on us, but please know they contain upsetting references to sexual abuse, animal cruelty, domestic violence, dysphoria, body image and appearance, and gun violence.


Heroes of Today: The Dream
Humane Society International: Save Ralph
Dove: As Early as Five


Teenage Dream: Sandy Hook Promise
Dove: Reverse Selfie