Branding • Design • Graphic Design

Indigenous Clean Energy

Generation Power


The Indigenous Clean Energy Social Enterprise needed a powerful new logo that represented the values of their brand. Encompassing cherished values of Indigenous communities and clean energy practices, the logo needed to strike a chord of simplistic authenticity to a wide audience.


Our team approached the Indigenous Clean Energy logo’s design with care to honor the values of truth, sustainability, love and respect. We intricately intertwined the symbolic representations of the eagle thunderbird, the feather and the medicine wheel to represent a harmonious balance between nature and technology.


  • Branding
  • Design
  • Photography
  • Website Design
  • Website Development


Indigenous Clean Energy


The Indigenous Clean Energy logo is a representation of sustainability, embodying Indigenous values. The eagle thunderbird symbolizes love for the Earth and its people, signifying a shared commitment to preserving our planet’s precious resources. The feather stands as a testament to truth. Drawing inspiration from the four directions of the medicine wheel, the logo encapsulates a harmonious balance of nature and technology. These elements create a logo that honors wisdom and embraces innovation.


  • Thunderbird
  • Love (for people and earth)


  • Truth

Four Directions

  • Medicine Wheel
  • Cycle of life
  • Generations/family
  • Recycling/renewal


  • Sustainability