Branding • Social Media • Video Production • Web Development
Protect Our People MB

Vincent Design joined the effort led by the Southern Chiefs’ Organization Inc., Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc., Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC), Keewatinohk Inniniw Minoayawin Inc. (KIM), the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba (FNHSSM) and the Manitoba government to motivate their communities to get vaccinated.
Messaging was developed to focus on those aged 18 to 35, primarily through social media platforms, in partnership with recognized First Nation influencers and trusted community leaders. The campaign included delivering the facts about the COVID-19 virus and vaccines in an approachable way.
- Branding
- Brand Application
- Consultation
- Design
- Influencer Collaboration & Organization
- Web Design & Development

Influencers shared their stories, why the vaccine is important to them, and how it can protect people, their Elders and communities. The Protect Our People Instagram @protectourpeoplemb, Twitter @protectourpplmb, and Facebook @ProtectOurPeopleMB accounts gained a large following and continue to keep people informed about COVID-19.