Branding • Logo
Canadian Reconciliation Barometer

This initiative proposes to measure the outcomes of reconciliation efforts and requires a symbol recognizing the challenges surrounding reconciliation, the hopes for continued growth and discovery, and the philosophy that through learning we may all pass these teachings on from generation to generation.
Using the concept of a seed and its eventual growth, we drew comparisons to the passing of knowledge through teachings for generations to come, building on the idea of monitoring the growth and success of a seed to measure the impact of our efforts on progress.
- Branding
- Logo
University of Manitoba – Reconciliation Barometer

The elements used in the logo support the overall idea of growth and knowledge and the earthy yet energetic colours visually symbolize progress and renewal.

Four Winds
- Four Directions
- Traditional Teachings

- Life
- Measurement for growth

- Generations
- Transfer of teachings and knowledge

- Growth
- Renewal
- Evidence of energy

7 Seeds
- 7 Sacred Teachings
- Evidence of knowledge transfer