
Doris at zoo lights

Staff Highlight

A Countdown to The Longest Night

This December, we’ve been thinking about the coming Winter Solstice, also known as The Longest Night. Celebrated in cultures around the globe for thousands of years, Winter Solstice arrives in Winnipeg on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 9:59 a.m.   As the days get shorter and shorter until then, we’re bundling up.  What does it mean …

Vincent Design staff with Vern Dano

Team Building

Circling the fire

On a sunny fall day ahead of a storm that would blanket the city in snow, the Vincent Design team gathered around a fire in Michaelle Jean Park. Geese flew low overhead, casting moving shadows on the grass, as Elder and Knowledge Keeper Vern Dano shared stories and songs to nourish spirits ahead of a …

Group photo from Halloween party

VDI Events

We did it for the boos

Knock-knock Who’s there? Canoe Canoe who? Canoe please give me a Halloween treat? We could have filled the Vincent Design canoe a few times with the treats we had here in October. It’s been great to have everyone in the office again, and we’re making the most of it.  Every member of the staff —and …

Two people fishing in a yellow canoe


There’s a palette for that

How do designers decide what colours to use in their designs? When a client comes to us, we begin by asking a lot of questions. (You can learn more about our process here.) This helps us learn more about our clients and what they’re looking for — and also what they’re looking at. What inspires …

215 feathers for Every Child Matters

Community Support

Every Child Matters

***Contains information that is distressing and may be retraumatizing*** The National Residential School Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419 How many times can a heart break? Is it one? One hundred? Two hundred and fifteen? Seven hundred and fifty one? Our hearts are broken with every revelation.  Except that these aren’t revelations, not to those whose hearts are …